Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Merdeka Events at Central Market

Hey Critters,

I know it is exam time but if you are interested, there are some really GREAT FREE events at Central Market to commemorate our 50th independence. So, it is not about just fireworks for one night but more ongoing activities to invite us to really think about what is means to be independent.

If any of you are interested to go, please let me know. We may be able to go together lah. But thsi time, we can take the LRT rather than car pool. VERY JAM this area! :-)

Here is the itinerary at the new wing of Central Market, 3rd floor.

50:44 Malaysia Merdeka
Remembering the people that built this nation
Venue: The Annexe, Central Market
Thu 6 – Sun 16, Sep 2007
For more information: http://www.50-44.org/

Sep 6 (Thu)
Citizenship & Democracy
9am-5pm Demokrasi Setelah 50 Tahun Merdeka: Cabaran dan Hala Tuju (Gallery A)
· Adakah sistem demokrasi di Malaysia semakin kuat atau semakin merosot? Apa ertinya Merdeka kepada rakyat jikalau rakyat masih tidak bebas and terkongkong? Bagaimana demokrasi dapat dimartabatkan untuk mempertahankan hak rakyat? Untuk maklumat lanjut seminar ini, sila hubungi Suaram, tel: 03-77843525 atau emel: suaram@suaram.net.
8pm-10pm Opening Ceremony of 50:44 Malaysia Merdeka - remembering the people that built this nation (Gallery A)
· Screening of “Malaysia ‘Other’ History” film followed by a dialogue with experts on histories and people who have lived through it. (Contact Yap at ssyap2001@yahoo.com for info.)

Sep 7 (Fri)
Gender & Sexuality
10am-10pm Merdeka and Sex (Studio B)
· Walk through the journey of visual art installations of how sexuality have been possessed, abused and defended throughout our history. Sexless or too sensual? You decide. (Contact jac@gejala.org for info)
10am-12pm Apa itu Feminisma! (Gallery A)
· A short and sweet introduction to what is feminism, women’s rights and the women’s movement. It’s participatory and fun. (Contact Mary Sinappan 03-77701475 empower05@gmail.com for your invite)

8pm-9pm Perempuan…dulu, kini dan selamanya? (Gallery B)
· A griping multi-dialogue performance on the many facades of being a woman in today’s world, you might just see yourself in it! (Free entry and seating!)
8pm-10pm You Are What You Are! (Studio A)
· Whether you are lelaki lembut or wanita keras, straight-acting or pecah-lubang, trapped in the wrong sex or pressured into social norms, you are not alone. In this session, the community shares the joys and heartbreaks of living an alternative lifestyle in Malaysia. (By invite only. Contact pang.centralmarket@gmail.com for an invitation before Sep 6.)

And for the rest.... please check out the website above... I decided to delete the longer posting on this event because it took up too much space!



amy2kyo said...

Wooohooo! There's like so many of activities, right? We got exams leh, Dr. Carmen, how to go? Let's think critically of the consequences of going and not going. Hehh :P

Carmen N said...


Yeah... of course, there are always consequences for everything but if you all can... I think the best event to go to is the film screening and discussions... you can check out www.freedomfilmfest.komas.org for the full list of films.

A good pal of mine is showing his film and there will be lots of good stuff on that weekend, Sept 14-16.

Tell you what, let's talk about this after your Critical Thinking exam. We can have lunch after the exam and chat generally and plan more specifically, for those who want to go.

Of course, best thing to do if you want to go to events is to make sure you study real hard first and then after that go! hahahah

KahJoon said...

definitely interested here but i dunno about others lah..for me i dont mind goin during exam time especially right after finishing papers..so free lah

KahJoon said...
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amy2kyo said...

Hmm, lunch after critical thinking's exam will be a great idea. Btw, you're giving us back our journals, don't forget yah! :P

The activities attracted me though, but it's exam week, I'm in dilemma. Anyway, would like to go lah.

Let's grab the numbers of people going so we can arrange the transport and stuffs like that.

P/S: Eh, how come no one respond to my comment in previous post? Hmm....

jeannie said...

I'm in a dilemma too...go or not...

KahJoon said...

duno tony wan go or not..without him would not be fun..

suesin23 said...

the 50;44 event is exciting and interesting.. it was a good show though.. but xcept for the second documentary where there is this interview session between the mat sallehs.. haha