Thursday, May 29, 2008

A token of appreciation and thanks

I know this is not the right channel to post this but anyway i still post this anyhow. :p Hehe. Any of you want to share how u feel or say thanks to Dr Carmen. You're free to do so here too. If you dont, then send her a personal msg lo.

Dear Dr Carmen,

You've been my saviour for 2 consecutive semesters now. If it weren't for you, my results wouldn't have turned out to be like this. Critical thinking and Academic writing were a breeze because you're teaching them. Couldn't imagine if it was someone else. Thank you for that.

You're no longer teaching us anymore. I won't have a surety anymore from now on. Haih~ My guarantee has gone flying out the window. Sobs.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Changes in society starts with us in the future ^^

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Of World War II and IG Farben

Here's a new concept behind World War II that I have never entertained before [well, maybe it's not new to you people, but it certainly IS to me]. I don't know about you guys, but I am...unsure as to how to go about this thing.

Do try and browse through the site if you have the time, but if you don't - here's a summary:

Apparently, the world's current concept/knowledge of World War II is wrong - very much. We know World War II as a consequence of Hitler's manipulation of the German's desire to be stronger and to be top world[?]. Anyhow, that is MY basic knowledge. Here, a certain Dr Rath and his foundation [Dr Rath Health Foundation] brings another view to the war - he says that Hitler was only one man. Not strong/powerful enough to cause such a historical mutiny. His opinion is [note, present tense because Dr Rath is alive; not dead] that the real culprit responsible for such upheaval of change was IG Farben, a major pharmaceutical player. IG Farben is a cartel of Bayer, BASF and Hoechst [which I believe are originally minor pharmaceutical companies].

Please take note, however, that Dr Rath is a man who is very much against the current pharmaceutical industry. Hence, I would say that it is hard to determine if he is proposing such an idea because of his own ideals or other reasons. But I must also say again that I have read his book "Road Map to Health" [a printed version of the website above], where there are pictures and statements claimed to be from people involved in this whole affair.

The main page is: [Just in case if there's anyone who's interested]

Monday, May 12, 2008

Warning! Strong words by a tough cookie!


Mahathir Muhamad telah memerangkap Tengku Razaleigh untuk membuka tirai – dengan mesyuarat agung tergempar - untuk mengetepikan Abdullah Badawi. Untuk entah ke berapa kali Razaleigh Hamzah telah dijadikan batu loncatan oleh Mahathir Muhamad. Razaleigh adalah perwakilan politik lama – politik era Tungku – politik ‘ the British clubby gentelman’ – di mana setiap kata adalah untuk di kota.

Era dan zaman itu telah lama selesai. Kita sekarang dalam era peralihan dari zaman gelap ke zaman cerah. Bahayanya, Mahathir Muhamad inginkan kita rakyat Malaysia kembali ke zaman gelap, ke zaman ketakutan dan ke zaman autokratik. Justeru, Mahathir Muhamad sedang merancang untuk menobatkan Najib Razak.

Seyogia perlu kita sama berwaspada dan mengetahui kenapa/mengapa Mahathir Muhamad memilih Najib Razak? Kita wajib memahami sebab musababnya agar kita semua akan bersedia menghadapi zaman gelap yang akan dibawa oleh Najib Razak.

Kenapa Mahathir kini bermati-matian, dengan licik lagi penuh tipu muslihat sedang merancang untuk menaikkan Najib. Malah minggu lalu media arus perdana juga ‘terjerat’ dengan tipu helah Mahathir apabila melaporkan Najib Razak bukan lagi satu pilihan. Kenyataan Mahathir ini bertujuan untuk menaikkan syahwat Razaleigh Hamzah dan Muhyiddin Yassin agar mereka terus berkomplot menentang Abdullah Badawi. Sebenarnya ini ialah tipu helah jenis Kitul.

( Siapa Kitul ? Sila rujuk Sejarah Melayu kitab naratif kesejarahan oral orang-orang Melayu Melaka. Kita merujuk Sejarah Melayu untuk melihat yang lampau , memahami yang kini dan pedoman ke hadapan.)

Untuk memahami siapa Najib Razak, kita melihat dan memahami kembali bagaimana Mahathir Muhamad memilih menteri- menteri kabinet dan para rottweiler yang mengelilinginya. Mahathir dengan selesa akan memilih orang-orang yang dikelilingi masalah besar. Lebih besar masalah itu lebih baik untuk Mahathir. Contohnya Rahim Thamby Chik dengan kes pecah pendaraan cinta berahi anak gadis di bawah umur adalah orang kepercayaan Mahathir. Arwah Megat Juned seorang kaki judi yang terlibat dalam kematian wanita pemilik kedai video adalah menteri setia Mahathir Muhamad. Shahidan Kassim terlibat dengan kemasukan beras secara gelap di Perlis adalah menteri besar Mahathir Muhamad yang setia.

Rais Yatim sekor bangkai bernyawa telah diberi nafas oleh Mahathir hinggakan sanggup meminum air basuh kaki Mamak yang pada satu ketika dahulu dikutuknya. Rafidah Aziz rottweiler betina terlibat dalam agihan AP, manakala rottweiler jantannya ialah Nazri Aziz. yang terlibat dengan 600 permit teksi. Mereka adalah menteri setia dalam kabinet Mahathir. Para rottweiler–rottweiler ini akan terus menderam dan menyalak jika ada sesiapa yang cuba menghampiri Mahathir Muhamad.

Lihat pula badan kehakiman dan badan kepolisian yang dirasuk rasuah dari hujung rambut hingga ke hujung kaki. Aktiviti rasuah ini dibiarkan oleh Mahathir kerana si perasuah ini akan terus bersetia kepada Mahathir.

Apa sangkut paut semua ini dengan Najib Razak?

Najib Razak ialah ibu kepada semua rasuah. Najib Razak ialah ibu kepada semua masalah. Najib Razak terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya. Ini bukan tohmahan, Dalam mahkamah seorang saksi dari Mongolia telah menerangkan bahawa Najib pernah berjumpa dengan Altantuya.

Najib Razak lebih bangkai bernyawa dari Rais Yatim. Najib Razak lebih banyak menyondol dari Rahim Thamby Chik. Najib Razak berjuta-juta kali menerima rasuah dari Rafidah Aziz dan Nazri Aziz. Manusia seperti Najib Razak ini adalah model ( bukan model Mongolia) yang terbaik dalam bacaan politik Mahathir Muhamad. Manusia Najib ini akan menjadi sekor rottweiler yang paling setia kepada Mahathir Muhamad.

Dalam congak politik Mahathir, Najib Razak akan meneruskan dinastinya. Sesudah Najib akan dimasukkan Hishamuddin Hussein, rottweiler katek si pembawa keris yang lidahnya belum sanggup menjelir panjang. Akhirnya, Mukhriz Mahathir akan muncul. Pada ketika ini si Mukhriz sedang belajar untuk menjadi rottweiler dengan salakan-salakan kecil menyerang Abdullah Badawi. Mukhriz inilah klon asli yang di cita-citakan oleh Mahathir Muhamad.

Jadi siapa sebenarnya Najib Razak?Najib Razak ialah pembawa zaman gelap ke dalam budaya politik Malaysia. Najib Razak akan memadamkan semua lampu-lampu pencerahan yang baru ingin menyala di Malaysia. Dari segi pembudayaan Najib pasti akan lebih Islam dari Pas. Lebih lebai dari Lebai Kulup. Dengan latar belakang keilmuan yang cetek, Najib untuk membuktikan keislamannya akan melakukan apa sahaja yang ‘dianggapnya’ Islam. Najib Razak yang tidak memahami inti dan falsafah Islam akan hanya berjaya melihat pinggiran dan kulitan Islam.

Ini bermakna Islam garapan Najib akan lebih kolot dan lebih menyusahkan hidup kita semua. Kulitan Islam a la Najib ini bukan lagi jantan di barisan lain dan betina di barisan lain, ia akan lebih dari itu. Keislaman Najib ini bukan hanya membuang patung-patung penyu seperti di Terengganu tetapi akan lebih dari itu.

Buktinya: Tiga tahun dahulu ketika Hari Raya dan Deepavali berjalan serentak, seorang insan yang mengakui dirinya sebagai ‘ ilmuwan Islam’ telah mengeluarkan ‘fatwa bahawa orang Melayu/Islam TIDAK boleh berkongsi Deepavali degan penganut agama Hindu. Kenyataan yang kononnya fatwa ini telah di sambut dan di sokong oleh Najib Razak. Hanya tiga hari kemudian fatwa karut ini telah di sangkal oleh Abdullah Badawi. Ini contoh Islam kapal selam.

Seorang insan yang terlibat dalam kes satu pembunuhan akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk membuktikan bahawa dirinya lebih suci dari Kaabah dan lebih putih dari sabun Breeze. Sila ingatkan kembali kenyataan-kenyataan Najib beberapa bulan dahulu. Hujan tidak guruh pun tidak tiba-tiba Najib menjadi Lebai Najib telah mula mengeluarkan ayat-ayat Furqan untuk membuktikan dirinya lebih Islam dari kapal selam.

Rasuah? Rasuah itu adalah nama timang-timangan dan nama manja Najib Razak.Kalau polis menahan kita dan meminta baksheesh sepuluh dua puluh ringgit maka ini dianggap rasuah. Tetapi jika Najib membeli senjata, membeli kapal selam dan membeli jet pejuang ini bukan rasuah, mengikut kitab Najib. Duit berjuta-juta ini bukan duit rasuah tetapi mengikut fatwa Najib Razak ini wang komisen. Inilah dia susuk yang sedang di rancang dan sedang uli oleh Mahathir Muhamad untuk dijadikan perdana menteri.

Kenapa Mahathir Muhamad mahukan Najib Razak?Mahathir Muhamad adalah kepala perompak yang mewakili Daim Zainuddin, Vincent Tan, Eric Chia, Ting Pek King, Ananda Krishan dan Lim Kok Wing antara nama-nama lanun besar. Ada ramai lagi lanun dan penjarah yang berpayung di bawah Mahathir. Mereka dengan bantuan kuasa Mahathir Muhamad telah merompak dan menjarah harta negara selama 22 tahun.

Seperti filem seram Rosemary Baby semua orang yang diharap-harapkan memberi bantuan rupa-rupanya adalah sebahagian dari jaringan lanun. Polis, kehakiman, media, badan pencegah rasuah, imam-imam – semuanya bersekongkol.

Perompak dan lanun-lanun ini tahu jika era pencerahan yang di bawa oleh Abdullah Badawi ini dapat diteruskan mereka semua akan di dakwa di mahkamah. Polis dan para hakim, politikus rasuah, dan sesiapa yang menyalah gunakan kuasa akan juga di hadapan ke mahkamah.

Adalah salah anggap jika kita percaya Mahathir mahukan Abdullah undur kerana legacy sedang di lupuskan. Menaikkan Najib tidak sangkut paut dengan legacy. Adalah salah bacaan politik jika menganggap bahawa Mahathir lebih sayangkan United Malay National Organisation. Mahathir mengharamkan United Malay National Organisation yang asal. Sejuta kali silap jika menganggap bahawa Mahathir membuat semua ini untuk orang Melayu.

Mahathir Muhamad mahukan Najib Razak kerana Najib Razak akan menjadi bangkai bernyawa dan TIDAK akan membuat apa dakwa dakwi terhadap Mahathir Muhamad dan para lanun-lanun yang lain. Dua puluh dua tahun zaman ganas dan zaman gelap Mahathir akan di teruskan oleh Najib Razak.

Kepada sesiapa yang memiliki ilusi tentang Najib Razak sebagai pilihan tepat Mahathir Muhamad, sila tanya diri sendiri. Sudah sampaikah masanya Malaysia menerima perdana menteri baru yang terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan? Apakah pembunuh boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia?

Friday, May 9, 2008

No toll Free road!

The tranquil suburb of Bandar Mahkota Cheras (BMC) descended into chaos last night when police doused some 500 residents with water cannons and fired dozens of tear gas canisters into the crowd. During the melee, Segambut member of parliament Lim Lip Eng and BMC Open Road Committee chairperson Tan Boon Hwa were allegedly assaulted by plainclothes police officers.

The incident occurred shortly after Lim arrived at the scene at about 10pm to lend support to the residents who had gathered at the Bandar Tun Hussien Onn intersection of the Kajang-Cheras Highway. The highway concessionaire Grand Saga Sdn Bhd was in the midst of erecting a concrete barrier - for the third time - aimed at thwarting the BMC residents from entering the intersection and thus bypassing a toll booth on the highway.

This resulted in commuters having to travel an additional six kilometres and pay Grand Saga 90 sen toll for every trip!!

At the time when Lim came to the area, the police were keeping a close watch on the residents who were gathering around Grand Saga employees working on the concrete barricade. Lim had approached Grand Saga workers and the police to find out who was in charge of the construction work. After failing to get answers, he decided to remove the wires from the machines used by construction workers to weld the steel rods to reinforce the concrete barrier (left).

'I was maced, beaten' he said.

Without the welding machines, Grand Saga workers withdrew, prompting residents to surge past riot police cordons and destroying the partly-completed barrier with their bare hands in a matter of minutes. The jubilant crowd later tossed Lim into the air several times but the mood soured seconds later when the riot police issued warnings for the crowd to disperse. Suddenly some 50 riot police took up attacking positions and there was a brief stand-off with the residents with only what remains of the barrier separating the authorities and the residents. What followed was utter chaos when Lim tried to stop a water cannon truck from advancing by standing in front of the truck.

According to Lim, several plainclothes officers forcibly removed him and a melee ensued.
"They dragged me aside and sprayed mace on my face. I couldn't see. Then they punched me and kicked me," he told reporters about two hours after the incident. His shirt was torn during the scuffle.

Selangor state executive councilor Ean Yong Hian Wah who was also at the scene told reporters that the Lim's beating only stopped when the police were told he was a parliamentarian. Beaten in front of reporters, Lim, a trained lawyer, is a well-known figure among the residents as he has been serving as the legal advisor for the BMC Open Road Committee.

Meanwhile, committee chairperson Tan was among the crowd at the time of the fracas. Upon seeing Lim being assaulted, he rushed forward to aid him. For his efforts, Tan too was allegedly assaulted and later arrested. Eyewitnesses claimed that he was punched at least once by a plainclothes officer in full view of a group of reporters and photographers. Tan was bundled away in a police patrol car while a resident drove Lim and Ean Yong to a nearby clinic for medical treatment.

By this time, the police had already fired the water cannon once, but when it failed to break up the crowd, three rounds of tear gas were fired. The crowd eventually dispersed.

When approached by reporters last night, Kajang district deputy police chief Supt Toha Abdullah claimed that he was unaware of the police beatings. He also said that the police had to disperse the crowd because they were "menggangu tugas keselamatan pihak polis” (interfering with police security duties). In all, three residents and Tan were arrested.

When Kajang district police chief Shakaruddin Che Mood was contacted shortly after midnight, he said that the police had yet to decide what charges would be slapped on the detainees. All four were released on bail early this morning. According to Tan, as of 7pm today, Grand Saga had yet to re-erect the barrier and commuters are using the disputed access road without hindrance.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stupid Act

Two police reports have been lodged against Bukit Gelugor DAP MP Karpal Singh for his alleged seditious remark against the Sultan of Perak.
The reports were lodged by BN Backbenchers (BBC) members and the coalition of Malay NGOs - Malay Unity Action Front (BBPM) - at the Brickfields police station at 4.30 pm today.Six BBC members led by chairperson and Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing in the report want the police to investigate if Karpal’s statement as reported in the Monday edition of the Star had in anyway broken the law.The English daily on Monday had reported Karpal as saying, “Sultan Azlan Shah did not have any say, as the Ruler of Perak, in the decision made by the state government and, by law, the palace cannot order the state government to reinstate Jamry.”“We find that the remarks made by Karpal to be seditious and rude in its nature and we want the police to take necessary action as the authority provided by the Sedition Act,” BBC legal adviser and Muar MP Razali Ibrahim told reporters.
'Karpal was rude'Karpal had made the statement following Sultan Azlan Shah’s instruction via his son the Regent of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah to reinstate Jamry Sury as the state’s Islamic Department director.Jamry was alleged to have refused cooperation with the new Pakatan Rakyat Perak government and allegedly transferred to another department following his recalcitrance.Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak had also cited Karpal’s statement as incorrect as the federal and state constitutions legally allow the sultan to do so.Apart from Razali, other BBC members present were the group’s vice-president and Batu Pahat MP Mohd Puad Zarkashi, treasurer and Sri Gading MP Mohd Aziz, information chief and Pontian MP Ahmad Maslan and committee member and Arau MP Ismail Kasim.BBPM representative Osman Abu Bakar who lodged a similar report also lambasted Karpal as biadap (extremely rude) for questioning the sultan’s instructions.They too want the police to take stern action against the Batu Gelugor MP. They added that Karpal’s statement cannot be tolerated as it was tantamount to insulting the institution of rulers in the country.

Why Raja Petra is in jail

All critters must never pass judgement until they have read the arguments for themselves. Similarly, we need to know why Raja Petra is in jail to ascertain if the basis of his arrest is logical. Read the original post that got him arrested--see below. Then, we can discuss the merits of the arrest.

For me, it is a most powerful expression of one man's anger and also damn funny in parts! Raja Petra is indeed a comedian and a very satirical one at that! And remember that he knows a lot of important people in high places and some of the info he has received may not be "reportable" in the press.

But more than anything else, read it as a critical thinker because his arguments about the case are quite clear, logical and sensible. Even though he is not a lawyer, as he admits.

taken from Malaysia Today

Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell
Posted by Raja Petra Friday, 25 April 2008

Today, we shall not be talking about politics. We shall also not be talking about race or religion. Today, we shall talk about doing the human thing. Today, let's discuss how to launch a 'Justice for Altantuya: restore Malaysia's dignity' campaign. And let's send those bastards who murdered Altantuya to hell where they belong.

I had dinner with a few friends last night and on the way to the restaurant another good friend, Din Merican, phoned to fill me in on the details of Dr Shaariibuu Setev's press conference that was held earlier that day. I listened as Din filled me in on what transpired and could not help but blurt out, "I am a father of two daughters. I can imagine what Shaariibuu must be feeling. Fucking assholes!"

"I have three daughters," Din responded. "These people are animals, bloody animals. Fuck them! Fuck them!"

This is what I would call 'at a loss for words' -- and when you just have to say something but no words can fully describe how you feel, then 'fuck' is the only word you can use which will console you enough and make you feel you have expressed your anger and disgust in a most 'appropriate' manner.

"Hey, don't insult animals," I replied. "Animals are cute. I love cats, dogs and horses. These people are worse than animals. Even animals will not do something like this."

"Even pigs can be cute," my wife who was driving the car butted in and I repeated what she said.

"Yes, even pigs are cute. These people are not even the same level as pigs. They are lower than pigs. Melayu babi, the whole lot of them."

I found it very difficult to hold back my tears as Din continued with his narration of what Dr Shaariibuu said at his press conference. Yes, I am a very emotional person as many may have suspected by now. But I can also be very stubborn and stiff-lipped as well when facing an adversary, as the Special Branch officers from Bukit Aman have discovered. I am what the Malays would call 'marah nyamuk, bakar kelambu'. And I would not hesitate to deny my body food and water as an act of defiance just to prove to my jailors that they may incarcerate my body but they can never own my mind or break my spirit. But hearing what Dr Shaariibuu had to say 'broke' me. Even my degil got tamed.

"Let's bring these bastards down," I told Din. "Let's launch a 'Justice for Altanatuya: restore Malaysia's dignity' campaign' or something like that. These assholes must be sent to hell."

Understandably, much of the dinner conversation thereafter was focused on the Altantuya murder. What was most amusing -- not that I would classify this tragic murder as 'amusing' -- is that none at the dinner table are lawyers by profession. But all were able to skilfully 'argue their case' as any seasoned lawyer with decades of litigation experience under his or her belt can -- or maybe even better than that because not all lawyers are smart (trust me on this one). I always say you need brains to become a lawyer but you do not need to be a lawyer to have brains.

Sure, 'certified' lawyers would pooh-pooh such 'coffee shop' arguments as just that, coffee shop arguments. And have we not overheard and scoffed at many an 'expert' at the next table offering his or her legal prognosis to all and sundry who would care to listen?

Yes, opinions are like assholes -- everybody has one. But there are opinions and there are opinions -- and, just like assholes, no two are alike. So, while we value the expert opinions of our 'learned' legal eagles (yes, that is what they call each other in court even though they may be arguing -- how civil), we too have conducted our own trial by court of public opinion and we have already arrived at our verdict even while the Altantuya murder trial is halfway through and long before we can see the end of what many consider a show-trial in a kangaroo court.

Of course, we are not at liberty to say this as this may tantamount to subjudice or contempt of court or something like that (the courts have all sorts of fancy words and phrases to throw at you when they want to send you to jail whenever you differ with their opinion). So I would never dare state that the Altantuya murder trial 'a show trial in a kangaroo court' for fear of getting sent to jail. All I am at liberty to say is that many consider the Altantuya murder trial a show-trial in a kangaroo court and leave it at that without declaring whether I too share the opinion of the majority of Malaysians (not sure whether that statement can still get me sent to jail).

Anyway, back to the dinner last night and to what all those 'self-made lawyers' who never argued even one case in court their entire life had to say. As I said, neither they nor I am a lawyer but I have attended a decade of trials and hearings since the birth of Reformasi in 1998 and my 'practical experience' has exposed me to much of what goes on in court. And all I can say is that, and I repeat, while you need brains to become a lawyer, you really do not need to be a lawyer to have brains, as my dinner friends proved last night.

It was a long dinner and much was discussed and everyone had an opinion, plus, as I said, all skilfully 'argued their case'. However, to avoid this piece turning into a fifty-page thesis, which may see me getting an honorary law degree (or see me getting sent to jail), allow me to summarise how the 'case' was argued last night.

First concerns the Affidavit that Razak Baginda submitted to the court during his bail application hearing in the Shah Alam High Court. Justice Segera had initially cautioned Razak's lawyer that there was no necessity in submitting an Affidavit since it was only a bail application hearing and, anyway, bail is not allowed in murder cases. But the lawyer insisted in pursuing the matter in spite of repeated warnings from the Judge. So the Judge had no choice but to accept the Affidavit as it is the right of the accused to defend himself/herself the way he/she sees fit.

Justice Segera then read the Affidavit and remarked that, after reading it, he is even more convinced that Razak is guilty. How then to grant bail, notwithstanding the fact that bail should automatically be denied anyway in cases of murder? Justice Segera was then immediately removed from hearing the case and was replaced by a junior judicial commissioner. Note that Justice Segera is a senior Judge and the most suited to hear this very controversial and high-profile case. Was he removed because he had prejudged the case or because he was now privy to certain information that may influence his decision or because they want to 'kill' the Affidavit?

This was the first bone of contention.

Karpal Singh, who is holding a watching brief on behalf of Altantuya's family, then raised this matter during the trial and he asked the police officer on the stand as to why they did not investigate the Affidavit since much has been revealed in that document. The police officer replied that they did not investigate the Affidavit because 'tidak ada arahan dari atas' (so instructions from the top). This further enhances the belief that there is some very damaging evidence in that Affidavit and which the government is trying to hide. The fact that the Affidavit exists and Karpal raised the matter in court and the police did not deny it -- other than explain they did not investigate it because of no instructions from the top -- convinces most that something is amiss here. It seems the Affidavit also reveals that Altantuya was camped outside Razak's house and this caused him to panic.

He then went running to Najib, and Rosmah summoned Najib's ADC, Musa Safri, and instructed him to solve Razak's problem. Musa then summoned the two police officers currently on trial. So, it appears like Razak and the two police officers are not the only ones involved. Najib, Rosmah and Musa have also been implicated in this entire thing. And why the need for the police officer to declare that he had already killed six people before this if murder was not what was on everyone's mind?

Then the Attorney-General did a very strange thing. Just before the trial started, he made a public announcement that only three people and no others are involved in the murder. This is not only strange but highly irregular as well.

It is not the Attorney-General's job to determine this. This is for the court to decide. Furthermore, the trial had not even started yet so how does the Attorney-General know what is going to surface in the trial? No one has testified yet and until all the testimonies are heard who knows who else is involved on whether the three accused on trial are even guilty or not? The Attorney-General made it appear like he knows the outcome of the trial even before the trail commenced? How not to feel that the trial is a show-trial?

The Sunday morning before the trial was supposed to start, I received a SMS that said the charges against Razak would be withdrawn. At 4.00pm, I received another SMS saying that the entire team of prosecutors will be replaced because they did not agree to drop the charges against Razak. The following morning, the new prosecutor requested a one-month postponement on the excuse that he had just that very morning been told he is taking over the case so he needs time to study the files. The judge gave them a two-week postponement.

The SMS may have been inaccurate but the actions thereafter lent credence to the SMS. And this SMS was from a Deep Throat in the Attorney-General's Chambers so I am not about to just dismiss it as lies and slander.

The next point is about where Altantuya's remains were found, which was deep in the jungles. The three accused deny killing Altantuya yet the police knew exactly where to go to look for the remains. How did the police know where to go when the three denied killing her? Did they use a bomoh? Was there an informer? No, the police just happen to know that deep in the jungles they would find Altantuya's remains without anyone having to tell them. It makes one wonder whether the police knew where to go because it is a 'gazetted dumpsite' where all 'bumped off' people are disposed. Does this then mean that the two police officers on trial alongside Razak are police hit men whose job it is to bump people off and then get rid of their bodies at that site where they retrieved Altantuya's remains? This, of course, remains mere speculation but there is certainly cause for speculation and the evidence all seem to point to this assumption.

The whispering amongst those who walk in the corridors of power is that when they went to the 'dump site' they retrieved the remains of many others as well. Some say it was the remains of seven people and others say nine. So Altantuya was not the first. There were many others before this, almost ten judging by the remains. This, of course, has never been made public and probably never will. So, until it is, we must assume that the 'whispering' is unfounded.

But then, what about Razak's Affidavit we talked about earlier, which stated that the police officer had admitted to killing six people before this. This would then make Altantuya the seventh victim. Against this backdrop, the 'whispering' about the police retrieving the remains of seven or nine people begins to sound like very loud whispers.

Many other 'key issues' raised by my non-lawyer friends, who all argued as if they were conducting the Altantuya murder trial, were matters such as how Altantuya's immigration records could be erased from the Immigration computers, the letters Najib wrote to the Malaysian embassy supporting Altantuya's visa application, the photograph of Altantuya, Najib, Razak and Kalimullah taken during Altantuya's birthday party in the Mandarin Hotel in Singapore, and much more.

Rumour has it, and it remains just that, a rumour, is that all this 'evidence' has been given to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Okay, maybe Abdullah is using this information to keep Najib in line -- which appears to be working seeing that he is constantly licking Abdullah's hand. But this is not about politics and should not be dealt as such. This is about the Prime Minister of Malaysia withholding crucial evidence in a murder trial. Abdullah is an accessory to murder and burying evidence that will affect the outcome of the trial and interfere in seeing justice done renders Abdullah as guilty as those currently on trial and those who also should be on trial but are not.

I really wish I could write about all the above which was discussed by those at the dinner table last night. Unfortunately, since the trial is still ongoing, I will not be able to talk about any of these matters. The best I can do is relate what those at the dinner table discussed last night and leave it at that without giving my opinion. And the above is what was discussed by those who are not lawyers and never once in their lives argued any case in court. Of course, since all these people are not lawyers, most of what they said is based purely on logic and not on points of law. It is actually quite ridiculous that people not tutored in matters of law would attempt to dissect and analyse the Altantuya murder trial and pass judgement as if they are trained and certified lawyers. Anyway, as I said, opinions are like assholes and every one has one so we should not take too much notice of what my dinner friends said last night.

Meanwhile, read what my friend, Din Merican, e-mailed to me this morning:
In ancient times, nations go to war at the slightest provocation. In the 21st century, fortunately, we are more civilised than our progenitors, although there are still exceptions. After all, we are members of the United Nations and, I am told, we subscribe to the UN Declaration on Human Rights. Yet, we in Malaysia, treat foreign nationals with total disregard for compassion and human decency.

Are we a bunch of cynics? I wonder. Take the case of the beating-up of the Indonesian karate/judo coach and the brutality towards, and extortion of, Indonesian guest workers by Rela, the murder of a Mongolian national, etc. Is the way we deal with our neighbours and other nation states? I wonder whether we are a nation of laws or a country run on the basis of the law of the jungle.

Our Prime Minister, Badawi, and his Foreign Minister (at that time Syed Hamid) did not have the courtesy to reply to the letters from their counterparts in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, seeking a fair trial and justice for the family of the late Altantyua Shaariibuu. Too busy maybe? Surely not! It is going to be tragic for Malaysia's image if the Altantuya family cannot get justice for the brutal murder of their loved one. How can we blow to smithereens a human being, someone's loved one, and a mother to two young children, using an explosive which is only utilised in times of war to destroy bunkers, bridges and buildings? This is unheard off anywhere in the world.

This case, therefore, has a lot of international implications, especially when the deed was done by 'servants' of this country. We are being viewed as arrogant by the Indonesians, Thais, Singaporeans, as well as by many of our neighbours. Now, we add to this list the Mongolians.

How indecent and irresponsible of the PM and his Foreign Minister for not even acknowledging the receipt of letters from their Mongolian counterparts. Who are we protecting? There is no point in Badawi trying to convince us that his Administration is keen to restore the image of the judiciary. He cannot even fix his own Police Force and the AG's Office. Frankly, Malaysians should have sent Badawi and his cohorts in BN out of office in the last general election. The mainstream media is just hopeless in the cause of justice for Altantuya and dignity for Malaysia.

Malaysians and civil society movements must now pressure the Badawi government to expose the real culprit behind this murder and bring to closure this long and costly trial. Let justice prevail and let us put an end to the culture of impunity, where the powerful and politically connected are above the Law. As a father of six kids (of whom three are girls, including a 16-year old) and a grandfather, I feel for Dr. Setev Shaariibuu and his family.

I was at the press conference on April 24 at the Office of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim and I personally saw the agony on Dr. Shaariibuu's face. It is time for Malaysians to push this issue and not allow the murderers who walk in the corridors of power to get away with this vile and evil deed unscathed. It is time to 'storm the Bastille'. It is time we sent these sorry excuses for human beings to hell where they deserve to be.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Raja Petra

Raja Petra charged, chooses jail over bail
Chan Kok Leong | May 6, 08 10:40am

Malaysia Today news portal webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin was today charged with sedition at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court over an article which he wrote in his website.

The article allegedly implied that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife were involved in the killing of a young Mongolian woman.

Raja Petra claimed trial to the charge. He was charged under Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act for publishing seditious article on April 25 on Malaysia Today.

Hearing has been fixed from Oct 6 to 10 and Raja Petra was granted a bail of RM5,000, which he refused to post, deciding instead to remain in custody until the hearing date five months from today.

raja petra court case 060508 stumpedHe has been taken to the Sungai Buloh prison to be remanded.

If found guilty, Raja Petra could be jailed for a maximum of three years and/or face a fine of up to RM5,000.

The charge sheet also highlighted nine paragraphs of the article which was titled 'Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell' as seditious [See chart below].

Deputy public prosecutor Nordin Hassan is prosecuting while Raja Petra was represented by a team of six lawyers led by Karpal Singh.

Earlier this morning Raja Petra was asked to present himself at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court to face the sedition charge.

He had been waiting to be charged at the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court when he received a telephone call from the police at about 10.20am asking him to go to the PJ court instead.

Wife stunned

Raja Petra's wife Marina Lee Abdullah was also present in the court today and expressed her shock over her husband's decision not to post bail.

"This is a statement he wants to make. He feels that he has done nothing wrong and we don't have the funds.

raja petra court case 060508 marina lee abdullah"If we do a campaign of RM1 a person and when we raise sufficient funds, we'll take him out as soon as possible," she said, referring to a fund-raising campaign initiated in Malaysia Today to raise enough money to post bail for Raja Petra.

"At the moment, I'm quite stunned by what he has done (not wanting to be bailed), so let me see him tomorrow. And we will take it from there."

When asked if their family was prepared for the charge preferred against Raja Petra, Marina said that she would be discussing the matter with her children later today.

"I don't think that anyone is prepared for this. I just called my kids to tell them about this. We'll go back and have a family gathering to discuss this."

She also said that she was disappointed with the manner Raja Petra was treated by the police in the run-up to being charged today.

"I'm not angry but I'm very disappointed with the way things are done in a hurry. They send us to this court (Jalan Duta) and then push us to the other court (Petaling Jaya).

"They send us to this police station and say come tomorrow and then they come to the house to take the computer. And this has happened even today when they want to charge him.

"We went there at 8.30am and waited till 11am and they say it's not there and tell us to come to PJ Sessions (Court). It's a circus. It doesn't look as though they are serious. It's trumped up charges. As though as everything is done in a hurry," she said.

Meanwhile another person was also charged for sedition at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court.

Syed Akbar Ali, a businessman, was charged for posting a comment in Raja Petra's Malaysia Today.

Summoned yesterday

Late yesterday, Raja Petra was ordered to surrender at the Jalan Duta court complex at 9.30am to face a sedition charge.

raja petra court case 060508 02Talking to reporters at the Jalan Duta court complex this morning, Raja Petra said that he was a victim of political persecution.

"I knew this was coming," he said.

"This is merely an excuse to arrest me, detain me or charge me. But this excuse is a stupid excuse.

"Once they charge me and the trial has been set, we shall point out not only do they have no case but it is absolutely political persecution," he added.

He said that he was aware of a call made by an Umno leader from Petaling Jaya (Utara) about three weeks ago that "they should find ways to arrest me".

News about Raja Petra's case spread like a wild fire last night and this morning a large crowd of about 100 people had gathered at the court complex to show support for him.

Also present were DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang and Ronnie Liu as well as Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.

raja petra court case 060508 nurul izzahNurul Izzah said that it was a duty of everyone to come and show their support to Raja Petra.

"Especially since Malaysia Today was the primary source of a lot of unearthing of scandals especially corrupt practices of the leadership and the government.

"And it (Malaysia Today) has helped opened the eyes of the nation to what is going on and what is wrong with the country. It played a huge role in the last elections."

Najib's statement

raja petra court case 060508 petra lockupLast Friday, Raja Petra was called in by the police to have his statement recorded over an Internet posting two weeks ago pertaining to the murder case of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian national.

Najib subsequently issued a denial through his press secretary Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad, whereas Rosmah has also denied the allegations against her.

The Altantunya murder trial is currently on-going at the Shah Alam.

Meanwhile, the donation campaign started to raise fund for Raja Petra's bail money was stopped at about 5.30pm after more than RM35,000 was raised through donations.

A message posted by his family in the Malaysia Today site noted that the campaign was called off since only RM5,000 was needed to bail out Raja Petra.

"The remaining balance will be given to charitable home of Raja Petra's choice. We would like to thank you all for your tremendous supports," said the note.